Electronic Resource Management System in Library

With LIBSYS 10 enhanced for ERMS (Electronic Resource Management System), subscribed journals statistics are now at your fingertips in a jiffy. Before annual renewal process for e-journals or any other time, it provides comprehensive statistics including graphical representation for your apt analysis and decision making. The ERMS capabilities cover entire workflow for acquisition process of e-journal subscriptions and their periodic renewal.

The Electronic Resource Management System (ERMS) in LIBSYS 10 plus is a complete package offering access arrangements, administration of subscription agreements, monitoring support received from publishers, and evaluation of usage of subscribed journals.


ERMS (Electronic Resource Management System) inbuilt in LIBSYS 10 plus provides a streamlined workflow to manage the e-resource procurement procedure of the library. 

Access Arrangements 

The access arrangements with publishers as mutually agreed during acquisition/renewal negotiations facilitates full text retrieval of e-journals and other e-resources by the library and its users. 

Subscription Agreements 

LSe-RMS provides for maintaining multiple versions of license agreements with the publishers.

Support from Publishers 

ERMS inbuilt in LIBSYS 10 plus supports publisher’s support matrix, handling of problem logs, downtime management, troubleshooting logs etc. This monitoring of support services helps at the time of subscription renewal by providing any claims to be raised with the publishers for under performance.

Usage Evaluation 

The usage evaluation covers summary of e-resource holdings by publisher, expenditure analysis report by department/subject and year-to-year price comparison for 3 years, per download and per view cost report and ROI analysis, COUNTER and SUSHI reports by year including unused resources, monthly and yearly downtime report by publisher, and notification of e-resources due for renewal.


The framework for renewal of subscription for e-resources including e-journals begins with generating alerts before the expiry of the existing subscription. Its workflow involves quotation invitation along with special package offers, study of usage during preceding year, department approval, and procurement process involving ordering, invoicing, and payment.

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